American Subcontractors Association (ASA) members work in masonry, drywall, plumbing, steel, electrical, mechanical — nearly every specialty trade in the construction industry.  Members are also suppliers to the construction industry such as insurance, consulting, materials; — almost every construction industry need is offered through other members.  ASA members are both union and nonunion shops, and range in size from the smallest private firms to the nation’s largest specialty contractors.

ASA members represent some of the most accomplished specialty trade contractors in the business.  All are concerned about improving their bottom line and receiving prompt pay for work properly performed.  Besides associating with some of the most successful businessmen and businesswomen in your industry, ASA membership helps to make your business more profitable in the following ways:

Business Practice Interchange (BPI)
Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the business practices of the general contractors before you submit a bid?  This ASA-only service shares planning and payment histories for general contractors nationwide.

Legislative Representation
Construction is big business.  It is a multi-billion dollar a year industry full of government legislation and regulation.  ASA is your voice in state houses and in Washington D.C.  Legislators and decision-makers hear from ASA on issues that affect all construction industry businesses.

Chapter Activities
The ASA Midwest Council holds meetings on a regular basis for members to meet both professionally and socially.  Educational workshops are often held in conjunction with these meetings dealing with topics such as safety issues, contracts, or dispute resolution.

Contractor’s Compass
ASA’s award-winning quarterly national publication keeps you updated on the latest issues, trends, chapter activities, and economic news.  In addition, each issue spotlights in-depth segments of the construction industry.

ASAdvantage Services
This premier services package offers considerable discounts on more than 20 programs.  These programs range from discounted business services and safety products to relaxing leisure programs.  More information on the ASAdvantage is provided on this web site.

Local chapter and national ASA meetings are an opportunity to meet your colleagues from throughout the industry and exchange information about business skills, new technologies, new ideas, and business contracts.

Education & Training Seminars

ASA provides thousands of workshops annually on topics that affect the bottom-line of your business.  These workshops are arranged in a variety of ways, from local chapter programs to co-hosted sessions with other trade associations.  Nationally, ASA meets for the Annual Convention and the Leadership Forum.

Recognition and Involvement Programs
Both the ASA Midwest Council and the National Association offer a variety of recognition and involvement programs to award those who make significant contributions to the Association and the industry.