Time-11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Syberg’s on Dorsett
2430 Old Dorsett Rd, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
11:30 a.m. to Noon-Networking & BPI ( BPI for sub members only)
(BPI Companies: HBD, McCarthy Building Co.’s, Paric, STL Public School District
12:20-1:00 p.m.-Program “Working through Conflict”
Program Overview:
Working Through Conflict
Fight or Flight? Is there a better Solution?
Dr. Pam Hager with Psychological Associates
Have you ever worked on a job that started out great, and
went down hill fast due to personality conflicts/issues with
a Project Manager, Superintendent, Owner, or your own
How much time do you spend each week dealing with conflict and
in-fighting between co workers/employees?
How much productive time would you gain each week if you
had the tools and techniques needed to defuse high conflict situation?
Today’s stressful workplace seems more likely to trigger conflicts between co-workers.
We all understand the importance of resolving conflicts both to the business and one’s personal well-being. Yet, when they occur, we feel caught up in emotionally-charged moments that we later regret. Or we avoid conflict altogether and sweep an issue under the rug that usually needs to be confronted. Join us to discover practical tools and techniques for handling conflicts successfully on your own. Working through conflicts frees up wasted time, improves teamwork, and promotes more productive working relationships.
Lunch and programming included -registration $25.00
(We will hold a condensed BPI session for sub members.)
Interested in sponsoring the meeting? Cost is $250. Contact [email protected] for details on becoming a meeting sponsor.
$25 per person. Includes LUNCH & program.
(No shows will be billed if not cancelled by Friday, April 10th )
If you have a non member guest for the meeting, please contact
the ASA office- [email protected], in advance to register your guest.
First time non member guests are free of charge.
To register and pay with credit card, complete form below. To register and pay by check, complete form below and print PDF invoice and remit payment to P.O. Box 510743 St. Louis, MO 63151
Venue: Syberg's on Dorsett
April 15, 2015
11:30 am - 1:00 pm