ASA Monthly LUNCH Meeting
Syberg’s on Dorsett  | 2430 Old Dorsett Rd. Maryland Heights, MO 
Wednesday, March 12, 2025  | 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

BPI in a Box Lunch Meeting
BPI: Business Practice Interchange for Subcontractor/Supplier Members Only.

Business Practice Interchange is an informal share session where ASA member subcontractors & suppliers can share their experiences with projects, general contractors, and owners. Only first-hand information is allowed to be shared. ASA is only providing a forum for the exchange of business information.
Information exchanged by members must be current, accurate and first hand.

BPI Companies:

Contegra Construction
Conway Construction
McGrath & Associates
United Construction
Wright Construction Services


TOPIC OF DISCUSSION  |  CHANGE ORDERS:  Creating the Proper Paper Trail

Provide GC’s assurance that no extra work without a written CO

But if there is oral CO, it will be paid on T&M basis

Sub has right to refuse CO work without a written CO

Reserve right to recover impact costs if excessive changes.

Reserve right to CO for extra work from GC even if GC does not get CO from Owner

Presented by Chapter Attorney | Richard Stockenberg | The Stockenberg Law Firm

Lunch | 11:30 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
BPI Session  | 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Register below to pay by credit card or check!
ASA MEMBER (subcontractor/suppliers only) |  $30 includes lunch & program

Would you like to bring a non member subcontractor guest to this meeting?
Just email [email protected] and we will add your non member guest to the list.

(NO SHOWS NOT CANCELLED BY FRIDAY, March 7th, 2025 will be charged per ASA cancellation policy,
if you cancel after the 7th  no refund, but you may always send someone in your place)

Details Price Qty
The ASA MEMBER ($30.00 USD) is available to members only. On Sale


2430 Old Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights, Missouri, 63043, United States

  •  March 12, 2025
     11:30 am - 1:00 pm