JULY 2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Emergency Preparedness for Weather

Excavation and Trench Considerations

Soil Sloping and Benching

Trench Protective System Requirements

JUNE 2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Working Alone

When a Trench or Excavation Collapses

Safety Culture

Heart Attack Angina and Stroke


May 2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Concrete Hazards

Don’t Let Gravity Take You Down

Excavations and Trenching Considerations

Health Hazards of Solvents


April 2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Ladder Safety

OSHAs First Aid Standard

Slips Trips and Falls

Unexpected Driving Situations


March  2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Ladder Safety Guidelines

Maintaining Your OSHA 300 Log

New Hire Training

Proper Lifting for Back Safety


February  2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Computer Eye Strain

Preparing for Winter Hazards

Staying Warm When Working Outside

Winter Weather Hazards 


January 2024 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Frostbite and Hypothermia

Layering Systems

Substance Abuse

Winter Weather Advisories


December 2023 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Handling Propane Tanks

Housekeeping at the Worksite

Portable Heaters

Training for Cold Weather

October 2023 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download


Asbestos Controls

Compressed Gas Cylinders

Think Like a Safety Inspector

September 2023 TOOL BOX TALKS | Provided by the ASA Safety Committee | Click Below to Download

Heat Illness First Aid

Interrupting Electricity

Preventing Office Falls

Safety That Fits Like a Glove